Narwhals (also known as ocean unicorns, English name narwhal) — they only live in arctic waters, may be one of the most mysterious creatures in the world. There is a long horn on the front of the male whale’s head (actually a tooth growing from the gum), which is the incarnation of the legendary unicorn.

Narwhal tusk can be up to 2.8 meters long. The tusk is dense and fine, with high hardness and toughness, and the skin has a beautiful counterclockwise spiral pattern. The picture below shows a 2.5-meter-long original narwhal tusk:

Some royal collections

According to the Chinese theory of yin and yang, water is yin and wealth, while extreme cold conceives extreme yang. The narwhal has long tusk, the perfect combination of yin and yang, negative yin and embracing yang, so it can: balance yin and yang, righteousness to ward off evil spirits, Nafu Naji, prosperous wealth town house! It is a rare town house treasure!